
Time to time we had to Interact with people. This category is about them.

Chronology of French Revolution 1774 – 1794

Modified: 2017/07/22
07-08 14;19 The Crypt of St Denis

[In progress . . . ] How revolution has made possible in a good old France? King was given many years before the storm (1774-1788), 2 more years for the constitution that gave him full veto power (1789 – Oct 1, 1791),  8 more month till crowd first attempt to storm the palace (Jun 20, 1792), 50 more days till final storm of the Tuileries Palace (August 10, 1792), and even few more months after that. The idea was . . . to show how internal logic of events brought about the 1789 and beyond.  Irresponsible fiscal policies plus prolonged war with England in America brought royal finances into a sharp deficit.  Under a popular…

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They ” . . . conspire to produce an unaware and compliant citizenry” – How?

Modified: 2017/09/18
unaware and compliant

Three years from now during next presidential campaign we must remember what Democrats think about voters in America. We quickly forget, but computers can help to refresh our fading memories.  Please never forget this famous email send from Clinton’s campaign dignitary Bill Ivey to  John Podesta – Chairman of the 2016 Hillary Clinton presidential campaign. These people are revel in their uncontrolled power and intellectual privilege.  For them all others, who are not close to power are just warms that are useful every four years, but completely beyond contempt.  These campaign consultants with their “superior” minds can’t easily explain Trump success, but they keep dispensing their invaluable insight on how to remove patriotism from American citizens. Quoted from…

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RUS: Споры о Трампе пересекают границы, делят семьи
EN: Arguments about Trump cross borders, divide families

Modified: 2017/09/08
Trump Factors

  Эта цепочка of emails начинается как обычное новогоднее послание отца сыну из Москвы в Бостон.  И, как вы увидите, от поздравлений разговор круто переходит в сторону политики, либерализма и 2016 победы Трампа на выборах.   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Saturday, Dec 31, 2016, at 04:36 Отец  пишет новогоднее поздравление из Москвы в Бостон Subject: Поздравление Дорогие Дети, поздравляем вас с Новым годом, желаем, сами понимаете, здоровья и счастья, а также всяких приятных мелочей, которые могут случиться. Папа. Лариса.   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wednesday, January 04, 2017 5:08 AM Сын отвечает на новогодние поздравления отца из Бостона в Москву Subject: Поздравление 2017 Спасибо! Мы здесь все ещё под впечатлением от победы Трампа.  Такого озлобления и ожесточения я здесь не…

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Что можно было бы сделать, чтобы остановить развал и разорение России? (1911 – 2011)

Modified: 2017/07/22

И нам с собою даже дал половничек Один ужасно милый уголовничек. В 1937 страна шумно отмечала 100-летие со дня убийства Пушкина … На секунду взглянем на “Красное Колесо” Солженицына Том 4-ый.   Всё готово.  Сцена построена.    Все действующие лица истории по местам.   Теперь бунт в Петрограде, смещение Царя и разорение России уже остановить невозможно. Первые 3 тома – это первые 3 года войны с широкими отступлениями к Алескандру II, и к началу правления, и к Русско-Японской, и к 1905, и к Столыпину. После этого история спресовывается до невозможности. Следующие 4 тома – это два месяца – Март и Апрель 1917 – все плывет, все разоряется. И здесь уже никакая храбрость, или стойкость,…

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Learn from Donald Trump skills of handling the press (по-русски)

Modified: 2017/07/22

    English Russian Learn from Donald Trump skills of handling the press Учись навыкам общения с предвзятыми репортерами Debates about the unexpected victory of Donald Trump do not cease.   Let’s learn from his skills of handling the belligerent reporters. Не утихают дебаты по поводу неожиданной победы Дональда Трампа. Давайте учиться у него   навыкам обращения с нападающими репортерами. I would like to list some amazing examples how Donald Trump pulled unexpected and disarming replies to typical and unpleasant reporters’ questions. Я хотел бы перечислить некоторые примеры про то, как Дональд Трамп находил неожиданные и разоружающие ответы на типичные и неприятные  вопросы. Question “She said that … ” and expect to hear some lie after that.…

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How to Renew Your Driver’s License in MA

Modified: 2017/07/22

It is easy to renew your Driver’s License in Massachusetts,  if you do some preliminary work online. I just did; it is easy. Government spent some money to setup a very good Web interface to save your time. Someone made this process really painless.  And that’s what makes America so great. Sometimes Government is on your side. Here are the simple steps. You can do it before your birthday.  I did it 30 days before the expiration date. Fill out a form online.  You will get a 3-page PDF document that you need to print and sign. You have 60 days from that moment to visit DMV. They usually open 9 to…

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Democratic Machiavellian disciple opens his cards (unwillingly)

Modified: 2017/08/28

Let’s learn something new today. Let’s learn how modern power brokers deepened and expanded Machiavellian teachings of today. First, let’s set the stage.  It is March of 2016 both Democrats and Republicans are bracing for the fact that Trump is leading and might easily get enough votes to get automatically nominated in July as a candidate from Republican party.  Power brokers in both parties begin to evaluate their next moves to stop the inevitable. On March 03, 2016,  Mitt Romney unleashes his famous unsolicited defacing speech against member of his own party. But that completely misfires.  Now it is Democratic functionaries turn to come with a plan to deface a new star. Here…

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Trump – Why no one knew?

Modified: 2017/07/22
Electoral Votes Estimates

This electoral map reflects a general expectation before the  election.  Clinton appeared to have 268 votes for sure and needed to win only 4 votes from NH r any other “gray” state. One day before the election New York Times estimated the probability on Clinton winning at 81%.   CNN estimates that she has 268 electoral votes in the bag, and she only needs to win any of the swing states to make it over 270 electoral votes. First shock waves came around 8:30 – 9 PM on Tuesday, November 8, 2016. Unexpectedly Trump was leading in Florida, North Carolina, Ohio.  Stock Market futures started to tumble down sensing a contentions transition of…

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Trump vs. Internationalists

Modified: 2017/08/10
a world without the West

I started this short article to summarize Globalist ideology and why Trump is such a blow for them.  In the matter of a few hours article grew to cover these topics in no particular order: — Why Globalism is actually Westernism — What is Internationalists ideology — Why Globalists failed in 2016 — Trump actions to reverse Western Globalism   When you desire to read on ideology of Obama years, read this serious, earnest, but biased site – German Marshall Fund (GMF). Search the site for word “Internationalist”. Take a moment to examine what they plan to turn America into. Please do not miss this very frank article explaining Obama policy.…

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Why so many people annoyed with Trump?

Modified: 2017/07/22
Trump Qualifications for President

  I really would like to hear a reasonable answer.  People appear so annoyed that it is necessary to write serious articles, explaining that reasonable people can support Trump.  For example, article in Chicago Tribune: “Yes, decent people can support Donald Trump“.  Sadly, this is not a joke.  And I do not remember from previous elections, that one side ever had to explain why they voted the way they did, and the other side is so incredulous in accepting the argumentation. Unfortunately, in post-election verbal clashes people losing the key points of Trump candidacy: (1) He is not a politician. This is his strongest quality – he is not one of…

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26 Ways to Say STOP in English and Russian

Modified: 2017/06/25
26 Ways to Say STOP

I started to list all the things that I would do to stop the Spammers. Suddenly, I realize that almost every letter in English language has a word for Stop, Block or Prevent.Я начал перечислять все те вещи, которые я бы сделал, чтобы остановить Spammers. Вдруг я осознал, ...

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