Posts Tagged ‘ Body ’

Body, Mind and Decision Making

Modified: 2017/11/05

  Going Nowhere, Aiming for Nothing Instead of going to the forest, to my favorite bog, I stayed home to write.  That is in accordance with principle “Going nowhere, aiming for nothing”.  Instead of fighting traffic, biking through the bumpy path and covering myself with a bug spray from head to toe, I just took a pen in my hand and begun drawing these characters on paper. ~ Improving Our Bodies and Improving Our Minds Who does that?  Something is working on your body and your mind to make them faster, leaner, smarter.  What is that something? Body is like a Switzerland.  Mind is like a capital of Switzerland – Bern.  And…

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Cloning Body, Cloning Soul

Modified: 2017/04/30

This next piece of thought is a bit untested. What should you answer, if asked “Are you a religious person?” I would go with an immediate clarification:  “Do you mean, if I believe in supernatural, or if I believe in survival of the soul outside the body?” If the questioner (a person with a notebook and a pen) confirms that the question is about the immortal soul, here is one possible answer for you. We already capable of cloning our bodies.  We can recreate a person down to a minutest detail of the DNA. Do I reject the possibility that one day we will be able to transfer and clone people’s minds? …

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