Posts Tagged ‘ Play ’

Child-People Who Play Too Seriously

Modified: 2017/09/16

Your Career, Your Family, Your Retirement.  Do these words make you wake up at night? All-along I was thinking that I am too childish and immature to participate in those games. Now, reading Buddhist literature, I am discovering a convenient alternative view on this matter. The whole life is a game with a sad ending. And you play all those games throughout: education, family, career, saving and growing old. Well, you have to do it, don’t you? But if you put too much effort in any of those games, you behave like a child, who believes that game is a reality, and he gets upset, if others do not play fair.…

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Playing the Ball While on the Ground

Modified: 2012/03/16

Summary:  There is no such foul in the Laws of the Game. What Soccer Referees are saying? This material is quoted from There is nothing illegal, by itself, about playing the ball while on the ground. It becomes the technical foul known as playing dangerously (“dangerous play”) only if the action unfairly takes away an opponent’s otherwise legal play of the ball (for players at the youth level, this definition is simplified even more as “playing in a manner considered to be dangerous to an opponent”). At minimum, this means that an opponent must be within the area of danger which the player has created. If this is not the case…

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